
, I am

nishant dixit

intern @centernet

About Me

I'm Nishant Dixit, a software developer eager to learn and contribute to real world solutions.

I have been writing code from past 3 years and have worked on web extensively (diversified further). The highlights in my journey include being shortlisted in Top 100 solution in Google Solution Challenge 2023, Winning Rajasthan Police Hackathon 2024 and being shortlisted as runner ups (winners) in Bhashini Sprint 2024

Check out videos of some of the projects on my YouTube channel.

I have been contributing in open source from 2022 and have made contributions in AsyncAPI, Superteams and many more.

I'm also a final-year computer science student, pursuing my degree from Pillai College of Engineering (Autonomous), currently living in Navi Mumbai, India.

I have also lead my team in events, pitches, in multiple projects and hackathons.

Core Skills

  • Frontend: ReactJS, NextJS, TailwindCSS
  • Backend: NodeJS, ExpressJS, Docker
  • Languages: Javascript, C++
  • Databases: PostgreSQL, MongoDB
  • Testing: JestJs


More things i like? I sketch and sometimes make paper models in my free time.

a student based in India who has been developing stuff from past 3 years.